The conference 2022 (Zama-ers presentations)

June 15, 2022
Jérémy Zaccherini

Two weeks ago, we attended the Conference 2022 as a sponsor and as part of the organizing committee. This is the first annual conference entirely dedicated to fully homomorphic encryption and its applications. The first edition was affiliated with Eurocrypt 2022 and the conference was held in Trondheim, Norway. All in all, the event went well, with an amazing turn out (we ran out of seating space) and very interesting presentations.

So, what is

At Zama, we've always been keen on open source, and it is our priority to make our work around homomorphic encryption accessible to all. We are strong believers in open science and we believe that transparency, sharing, and collaboration are necessary to move research forward. That's why we're happy to be a founding member of the community, gathering experts together that are working towards the same goal. It's amazing to see researchers and developers interested in advancing homomorphic encryption and other secure computation techniques working on making data sharing private by default.

During the conference, we had several Zama-ers presenting some of the projects they have been involved in around homomorphic encryption. We would like to showcase their work here.

> FINAL: Faster FHE instantiated with NTRU and LWE  - Charlotte Bonte (Intel Labs), Ilia Iliashenko (CipherMode Labs & KU Leuven), Jeongeun Park (KU Leuven), Hilder V. L. Pereira (KU Leuven), and Nigel P. Smart (KU Leuven & Zama).

> Hybrid attacks on LWE and the lattice estimator - Martin Albrecht (Royal Holloway, University of London), Benjamin R. Curtis (Zama), and Michael Walter (Zama)

> Fast, easy, and accessible FHE with Concrete and specialized accelerators - Florent Michel (Optalysys), Thomas De Cnudde (Zama), and Agnès Leroy (Zama).

> Concrete ML: A data-scientist-friendly toolkit for machine learning over encrypted data - Benoît Chevallier-Mames (Zama), Jordan Fréry (Zama), Arthur Meyre (Zama), and Andrei Stoian (Zama).

> Performance of hierarchical transforms in homomorphic encryption: A case study on logistic regression inference - Pedro G. M. R. Alves (Zama), Jheyne N. Ortiz (Unicamp), and Diego F. Aranha (Aarhus University).

At zama, we are building products to make fully homomorphic encryption accessible for all.

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